Swept (Camera) Field-of-View

A new Swept (Camera) option is available when defining a field-of-view (FOV) in Detect3D version 2.60 and beyond. This may be used for CCTV or other camera type devices. For this FOV type the side profile is kept constant but swept across the full horizontal arc.


This Swept (Camera) option can be selected as the Type under the Field-Of-View Properties section when adding a new FOV model to the project.



Some things to note regarding the Swept FOV:

  • Set the Edge Efficiency of the swept FOVs to 100% to match most manufacturer images.

  • The vertical component is general quite narrow, in the example above the up and down angles are just 12° each.

  • The Up Full Angle, Down Full Angle and Horiz Full Angle for the FOV will not affect the range of vision as the edge efficiency is 100%. 

  • The Blending should be left as Bezier


Selecting the preview checkbox will show a top view and side view of the entered ranges and angles. 



Once added to the detector database, any flame detector can be changed to use the created Swept FOV model. Below shows an obstructed FOV for a Swept FOV camera device. 



Initially the color for the FOV will be the same as that for normal conical flame detector FOVs. However, the color of the FOV can be changed from the detector properties panel, shown below.