Fire and Gas Mapping Resources

Below is a list of links to guides and documents which may be of use for various fire and gas mapping projects.


Commonly referenced documents associated with Fire and Gas Mapping:

  1. UK HSE OTO 93-002: Offshore gas detector siting criterion investigation of detector spacing

  2. UK HSE RR602: Assessment of gas detection strategies for offshore HVAC ducts based on CFD modeling

  3. UK HSE RR672: Offshore hydrocarbon releases 2001-2008

  4. UK HSE RR1123: Fixed flammable gas detector systems on offshore installations: optimization and assessment of effectiveness

  5. UK HSE - The selection and use of flammable gas detectors

  6. API 14C: Recommended practice for analysis, design, installation and testing of basic surface safety systems

  7. EN 54-2: Fire detection and fire alarm systems

  8. OGP 434-01: Process Release Frequencies

  9. FM 3260: Approval criteria for radiant energy-sensing fire detectors



Common Fire and Gas Mapping Standards and Guidelines

  1. British Standard BS 60080-2020

  2. ISA TR84.00.07

  3. BP GP 30-85 (2017): Fire and Gas Detection

  4. BP GP 24-85 (2017): Design Basis for Fire and Gas Detector Placement

  5. Shell DEP

  6. NORSOK S-001

  7. Petronas PTS 14.33.01