Setting Up The Simulation Scheduler

If you want to run all the simulations in the project with distributed solvers, then proceed to the next section. However, if simulations have already completed and you are adding more in the project to be solved, the below steps need to be performed to add the new simulations to the scheduler.


It is important to “load up” the Simulation Scheduler before creating the distributed solver files. To do this, when you create your simulations, make sure “Run Now” is unchecked so that they are added to the scheduler, but do not start running. Alternatively, you may edit the scheduler by unchecking the “Auto-Link” button () on the toolbar, and then add simulations, or remove them, as required. The Auto-Link button automatically starts running a simulation if they are added to the scheduler, which is not desirable when editing the queue of simulations.


If any simulation has started calculating, you can reset it by clicking  on the toolbar or mouse over the completion percentage in the Project Items Tab and click 'Stop'. Then, click the button on the toolbar and right-click the paused simulation and select 'Reset' as shown below. In the popup window that appears, click 'Yes' to reset the simulation.


Tutorial 13 - Figure 1 - Indication of how to reset a paused simulation


Any reset simulations will need to be added to the Scheduler. Follow the below steps to add unscheduled simulations to the Scheduler:

  1. Click the Simulation Scheduler on the toolbar

  2. Click the simulation case listed in the Unscheduled Simulations section which you want to edit

  3. Click the icon to add the simulation case to the scheduler


Tutorial 13 - Figure 2 - Process for moving an unscheduled simulation to the scheduled simulations section which will then be added to the created solver files


Once all the desired simulations have been added to the Scheduler, continue to the next section to create a distributed solver file. When opening the Distributed Solver Window, ensure that you select Scheduled as the simulations to be added to the solver, rather than the default 'All'.