Defining Sub-Zones


Three sub-zones will be added in the next sections of this tutorial. A sub-zone is a section or part of a zone.


The sub-zone capability can be used to define volumes around pieces of equipment. This may be a requirement for some performance criteria wherein one coverage target may exist for a region within 1 meters of high-risk equipment and another separate coverage target within 2 meters of medium risk equipment. The second sub-zone added in this tutorial will make use of the Equipment Pick Tool to define a region around pieces of equipment.


Sub-zones can have a different risk grade assigned to it than its parent zone. For example, a zone may have Grade C overall, but areas of particular interest such as hydrocarbon processing equipment may be assigned Grade A. It may also be the case that a project wants the combined coverage of several pieces of equipment. For this a single risk grade can be assigned to each of the equipment sub-zone regions. Regardless of if you are reporting for coverage based on sub-zones, risk grades or main zones, Detect3D's Coverage Results Table can display the obtained coverage for each.

There are three ways to add a sub-zone in Detect3D. Each of the following sub-zones added during this tutorial will make use of a different capability so that you may determine which method works best for you. It is suggested to practice use of the Equipment Pick Tool as it is used in several other areas in Detect3D, such as deleting geometry pieces



Contents of Defining Sub-Zones: